
Wednesday 25 April 2012

Eating dinner as a family improves health in later life

Do you have dinner with your family?

'Come and get your dinner!' is a phrase not unknown in family households, particularly american ones.

40% of american food budget is spend on eating out.

Meals out usually tend to be unhealthy, so when a lot of meals are spent eating out, it all adds up.

Researchers surveyed family households how often they dined as a family, and the food they ate.

Results found that those that ate as a family more often consumed healthier meals, not only because they ate out less often, but also that parents were more concious about what they fed their children.

Upon measure BMI rates, children in families who have family meals tended to be in the healthy range more often, and children in families who ate out a lot tended to be overweight frequently.

Hidden effects

Communication is key
Not only is there a dietary impact, but there is also the relationships inside the families and some other aspects.


Conversations during dinner allow discussions of recent topics, and allow the family or unify, it also adds a feeling of belonging. Remember, your family will be with you your who life.

Model manners

Think of it as a test drive or training, you'd rather sort your child's bad habits at a family meal than at a proper meal with their work colleagues.

A long term study of 20 years explored habits which were carried to adulthood.

Families were asked whether or not they ate dinner as a family.

20 years later, these families were asked about their children who are now adults.

The children who ate dinner as a family tended to eat more fruit and vegetables and drank less unhealthy drinks as adults.

Not only does this offer control in food, but also across other areas.

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